Cloud-native security vs traditional security

November 01, 2021

Cloud-native security vs traditional security

In an increasingly digital world where cloud adoption is on the rise, cloud security has become a top priority for many organizations. But with so many different approaches to cloud security, it can be hard to know which is the best for your organization.

In this blog post, we will compare and contrast cloud-native security and traditional security to help you make an informed decision about which approach is right for you.

What is cloud-native security?

According to Gartner 1, cloud-native security is defined as "an approach to designing and implementing applications and services specifically for cloud environments, with additional security considerations that fully embrace the elastic, shared, and on-demand nature of the cloud."

In simpler terms, cloud-native security is about building security into your cloud applications and infrastructure from the ground up.

What is traditional security?

Traditional security is an approach to security that has been used for many years to protect on-premise systems. This approach involves implementing security measures (such as firewalls, intrusion detection software, and antivirus software) that are designed to protect against threats to these systems.

Comparison: Cloud-native security vs traditional security

Here are some key differences between cloud-native security and traditional security:


One of the main advantages of cloud-native security is its scalability. With cloud-native security, security measures can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of your organization. This means that you can easily add or remove security measures as your organization grows or changes.

In contrast, traditional security measures are often fixed and can't easily be scaled up or down. This makes it more difficult to adapt to changes in your organization's security needs.


Cloud-native security can also be more cost-effective than traditional security. This is because cloud-native security measures are often provided as part of your cloud provider's service. This means that you don't need to invest in expensive hardware or software to provide security for your cloud infrastructure.

In contrast, traditional security measures often require costly hardware and software purchases. This can make traditional security more expensive than cloud-native security.


Cloud-native security also tends to be more automated than traditional security. This is because cloud-native security measures can be integrated into your cloud infrastructure and automated to provide continuous security protection.

In contrast, traditional security measures often require manual intervention to set up and maintain. This can make traditional security more time-consuming and difficult to manage.

Which approach is right for you?

The choice between cloud-native security and traditional security depends on your organization's specific needs and circumstances. However, it's clear that cloud-native security offers several advantages over traditional security in terms of scalability, cost, and automation.

If you're considering cloud-native security, it's important to work with a cloud provider that offers robust security measures and has a proven track record of providing secure cloud services.


In conclusion, cloud-native security and traditional security each have their own benefits and drawbacks. While traditional security has been effective for protecting on-premise systems, cloud-native security is better suited for the dynamic and elastic nature of the cloud.

As cloud adoption continues to grow, it's important for organizations to carefully consider their cloud security approach and choose the one that best meets their needs.


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